by Curtis Smith | May 15, 2018 | Blog
There are 587689 types of knee wraps on the market for squatting, and they are NOT all made equally. Each brand and type of wrap are different, and suit different squatters. In this article, I’ll try and cover the basics of knee wraps, the types of wraps, and...
by Ryan | Apr 15, 2018 | Blog
When it comes to strength training, the barbell will always reign supreme for the big lifts. There are different types of barbells available, and when looking to buy one, the type of lifting and the exercises you will be doing will ultimately determine the specific...
by Ryan | Apr 14, 2018 | Blog
If you ask 100 athletes what they consider healthy, you get 100 different answers. But bodybuilders, health coaches, and fitness fanatics agree on one thing: squats are a the king of lower body exercises. The undefeated champion: the barbell back squat should be on...
by Ryan | Apr 14, 2018 | Blog
Most gym equipment is manufactured overseas for one simple reason, cost of manufacturing. Valhalla Strength Commercial Grade Powerlifting Equipment is one of the few manufacturers that actually produce in Australia (Brisbane to be exact). So what are the reasons we...